About us – Gymba story
Gymba Ltd is a Finnish family business with a mission to bring balance – activity and well-being – into your life. By using the Gymba Activation Board, you will activate your body and at the same time improve your alertness and get more done. We hope that this will enable you to have the time and energy to do the things that are important to you and improve your quality of life.

The story behind the Gymba Activation Board
At the end of the year 2011 the company founder Jarmo Pölönen was developing a curvy screen from glued wooden veneer. To test its strength he stepped on the convex side of the wooden screen and after bouncing on it for a while Jarmo got the idea that it could work as a sports equipment. At first on his mind were the elderly people and people who needed physical therapy. The first prototypes of the Gymba board were given to physiotherapy students and based on their encouraging feedback the product development continued.
In 2013 there were more and more research data and discussion in the media about the risks of sitting and the sale of height adjustable desks increased. The problem was that even though the popularity of standing desks increased they eventually ended up being unused because standing on a hard surface or static standing in general feels so uncomfortable. There had to be a better solution to get people to utilize the standing desks. And so the decision was made to focus on improving office ergonomics.

Heidi Välimäki
Managing partner

Hanna Pölönen
Managing partner
Development manager

Jarmo Pölönen
Product development