Gymba's Blog

How can the Gymba activation board be part of a healthier tomorrow?

Do you do office work? Are you seeking a change towards a more active and healthier lifestyle? In our previous blog, we discussed lifestyle change and its most common challenges.

Whether the goal of your lifestyle change is better physical condition, weight loss, reduction of body pains or their prevention, using the Gymba Activation Board supports you to achieve them.

Read also Jari Saario's inspiring story of reaching goals, when he rowed twice across the Atlantic.

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High resting heart rate – what does is mean and what to do about it
How are you holding up? How do you feel your health and physical condition is right now? In many ways are living under a pressure these days. According to statistics many are experiencing stress and in western countries people’s physical condition is decreasing year after year – both being factors to resting heart rate. This blog lets you know what high resting heart rate is telling us and how it can be influenced.
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Work/life balance
Balance is an important thing to have both literally and figuratively. Physical balance is key in our everyday life, but it is also very important to have balance between work and free time. It is summer holiday season so it’s a perfect time to pay attention to the importance of free time, relaxing and recovery. Holiday shouldn’t be about recovering from work; it should be about enjoying the free time. Balance between work and leisure is something we should have on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis. Easier said than done but here are a few pointers that could help.
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