Gymba's Blog

Posture – how does it affect your well-being? Part 2
In the previous blog about posture (you can read it here), I talked about posture mainly on a general level: what aspects of well-being it affects, and how problems caused by bad posture could be prevented. This blog post goes a little deeper into what specifically working in an office, in front of a computer screen, does to posture. Also for this blog like for the previous post about posture, I have interviewed the long-term physiotherapist Malla Helenius, who always tries to dig deeper in her work and focus not only on the symptoms but also on their causes. Over the years, Malla has noticed how many problems are caused by things related to posture – to me it was almost confusing what all posture affects! In this blog, I will also tell about my experience in Malla's posture check and Malla's view on the effect of the Gymba® Board on posture.
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