Gymba's Blog

High resting heart rate – what does is mean and what to do about it
How are you holding up? How do you feel your health and physical condition is right now? In many ways are living under a pressure these days. According to statistics many are experiencing stress and in western countries people’s physical condition is decreasing year after year – both being factors to resting heart rate. This blog lets you know what high resting heart rate is telling us and how it can be influenced.
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How to boost your metabolism while working in office?

Metabolism slows down dramatically while we stay still. Getting enough exercise and maintaining healthy level of metabolism is difficult especially for those who work in office. This blog is written to all those who work in office or spends a proportion of your day behind desk. The goal of this blog is twofold

  1. To highlight the significance that even small increase of exercise has for your health and metabolism.
  2. To provide practical steps how you can increase physical activity while working in office environment.
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